432018 Philosophy of Physics

A course I used to teach at the University of York...

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Course Materials

From this page, you can access the course materials which I have produced for this course. (Click on the links below to get the handouts in PDF-format.)

General Information:

General Information about the course
Lecture programme for Weeks 2-6
Lecture programme for Weeks 7-10

Essay titles:

Essays I: Quantum Mechanics
Essays II: Relativity Theory

Information about the seminars:

Instructions for the Week 2 seminar (to occupy you in Week 1 as well)
Instructions for the Week 3 seminar
Instructions for the Week 4 seminar
Instructions for the Week 5 seminar
Instructions for the Week 6 seminar
Instructions for the Week 7 seminar
Instructions for the Week 8 seminar
Instructions for the Week 9 seminar
Instructions for the Week 10 seminar

Lecture summaries:

Lecture 3: "The quantum description of reality"
Lecture 4: "The postulates of QM and the Copenhagen interpretation"
Lecture 5: "The `measurement problem' and `collapse theories' of QM"
Lecture 6: "Interpretations that deny that there are determinate outcomes"
Lecture 7: "Determinism and the problem of hidden variables"
Lecture 8: "Interpretations which invoke incompleteness"
Lecture 11: "An introduction to space and time"
Lecture 12: "Arguments for the `absolutist' and `relationist' views of space"
Lecture 13: "The rise of space-time and the Special Theory of Relativity"
Lecture 15: "Gravity and the curvature of space-time"
Lecture 17: "Substantivalism vs. relationism"