Mark Baltovic

Courses taught:

MA498 Materials

The sample.tex referred to in the session.

You will also need the following graphics files:

It might be easier to right-click to save them directly to your hard-drive.

The slides for the first session.

MA400 Handouts

These will shortly be moved to the MA417 course Moodle page.

Lecture 1: Introduction to the course PDF file
Lecture 2: Fundamental Data Types (corrected) PDF file
Lecture 3: Control Structures (corrected) PDF file
Computer Session - Your Programming Environment PDF file
Computer Session - Worksheet PDF file
Lecture 4: Functions PDF file
English for Academic Purposes slide PDF file
Lecture 5: Pointers and arrays PDF file
Lecture 6: Pointers and functions PDF file
Lecture 7: A tour of the C++ libraries PDF file

The Joy of Windows.