(last update: 25 November 2024)
Please note: I am posting PDF files of some of my publications here
as part of my personal webpages.
They are not part of a formal repository that serves as a publications archive.
Please download files for your personal, non-commercial use only.
C. Ickstadt, T. Theobald, and B. von Stengel (2024),
A stable-set bound and maximal numbers of Nash equilibria in bimatrix games.
A. Lassota, A. Vetta, and B. von Stengel (2024),
The Condorcet dimension of metric spaces.
B. von Stengel (2024),
Zero-sum games and linear programming duality.
of Operations Research 49(2), 1091-1108.
Talk slides (June 2024).
Talk on youtube.
S. Jahani and B. von Stengel (2022),
Equilibrium Analysis of 2x2x2 Games. In:
Kanellopoulos, P., Kyropoulou, M., Voudouris, A. (eds)
Algorithmic Game Theory. SAGT 2022. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, vol. 13584, pages 223-237. Springer, Cham.
B. von Stengel (2021),
Theory Basics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
B. von Stengel (2021),
Finding Nash equilibria of two-player games.
B. Adsul, J. Garg, R. Mehta,
M. Sohoni, and B. von Stengel (2021),
algorithms for rank-1 bimatrix games.
Operations Research 69(2), 613-631.
DOI: 10.1287/opre.2020.1981.
E. Braggion, N. Gatti, R. Lucchetti, T.
Sandholm, and B. von Stengel (2020),
Strong Nash equilibria
and mixed strategies,
International Journal of Game Theory
49(3), 699-710.
B. von Stengel (2019),
A mathematical view of the will of the people.
LSE Department of Mathematics Research Blog.
Republished at:
Democratic Audit,
British Politics and Policy,
Politics Means Politics Magazine.
See also my public talk at LSE on 20 February 2020,
Theory and Politics,
(90 minutes, 640 MB mp4 file, my own talk from 2:52 to
53:50, afterwards questions and answers).
A. Fraenkel,
Urban Larsson,
Carlos P. Santos,
and B. von Stengel (2018),
Special issue on combinatorial game theory.
International Journal of Game Theory 47, 375-377.
B. von Stengel (2017),
of "Jane Austen, game theorist'' (updated edition)
by Michael Suk-Young Chwe, Princeton University Press.
The Mathematical Gazette 101, p. 172.
B. von Stengel (2016),
Recursive inspection games.
Mathematics of Operations Research
41(3), 935-952.
1991 version see below.
R. Savani and B. von Stengel (2016),
Unit vector games.
International Journal of Economic Theory
12(1), 7-27.
L. A. Végh and B. von Stengel (2015),
Oriented Euler complexes and
signed perfect matchings.
Mathematical Programming Series B 150(1), 153-178.
ArXiv version: arXiv:1210.4694
(includes two further appendices).
Talk slides.
R. Savani and B. von Stengel (2015),
Theory Explorer: software for the applied game theorist.
Computational Management Science 12(1),
ArXiv version: arXiv:1403.3969.
Talk slides.
P. Hernández and B. von Stengel (2014),
Nash codes for noisy
Operations Research 62(6), 1221-1235.
DOI: 10.1287/opre.2014.1311.
Near-final version
Talk slides.
- C. Ambühl, B. Gärtner, and B. von Stengel (2013),
Optimal for lower bounds for
projective list update algorithms.
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG) 9,
Article 31, 18 pages.
DOI: 10.1145/2500120.
- B. von Stengel (2012),
Rank-1 games with
exponentially many Nash equilibria.
B. von Stengel (2011),
An application of game
theory to electronic communications markets. In:
and Economic Policy in Telecommunications, Geer No. 7,
Telefónica, Spain, pages 112-121.
Talk slides
"Strategic Analysis in Telecommunications Markets".
M. M. Casetti, J. Merschen, and B. von Stengel (2010),
Finding Gale strings.
Electronic Notes in Discrete
Mathematics 36, 1065-1072.
B. von Stengel and S. Zamir (2010),
Leadership games with convex
strategy sets.
Games and Economic Behavior 69(2), 446-457.
Talk slides.
B. von Stengel (2010),
Follower payoffs in symmetric
duopoly games.
Games and Economic Behavior 69(2), 512-516.
(First version
Research Report LSE-CDAM-2003-13.)
Talk slides.
B. von Stengel (2010),
Computation of Nash equilibria
in finite games: introduction to the symposium.
Economic Theory 42(1), 1-7.
Click here for a list of all articles
of the special issue on equilibrium computation of
Economic Theory (Vol. 42, Issue 1, 2010).
D. Avis, G. Rosenberg, R. Savani, and B. von Stengel (2010),
Enumeration of Nash equilibria
for two-player games.
Economic Theory 42, 9-37.
Talk slides.
J. Sobel and B. von Stengel (2009),
In memoriam: David Gale
(1921-2008). Editorial,
Games and Economic Behavior 66, 581.
B. von Stengel and F. Forges (2008),
Extensive form correlated equilibrium:
Definition and computational complexity.
Mathematics of Operations Research 33(4),
(Earlier version: CDAM
Research Report LSE-CDAM-2006-04).
Talk slides.
W. Huang and B. von Stengel (2008),
Computing an Extensive-Form
Correlated Equilibrium in Polynomial Time.
Workshop on Internet and Network Economics (WINE 2008),
eds. C. Papadimitriou and S. Zhang,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5385,
Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 506-513.
A. von Schemde and B. von Stengel (2008),
Strategic characterization of the
index of an equilibrium.
Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT) 2008,
eds. B. Monien and U.-P. Schroeder,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4997,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 242-254.
Talk slides.
B. von Stengel (2008), Harsanyi, John Charles (29 May
1920-09 August 2000). American National Biography,
B. von Stengel (2007),
Equilibrium computation for
two-player games in strategic and extensive form.
Chapter 3,
Algorithmic Game
eds. N. Nisan, T. Roughgarden, E. Tardos, and V. Vazirani,
Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 53-78.
Thanks to the progressive-minded publisher,
you can access the PDF of the entire book online by clicking
(username=agt1user, password=camb2agt).
R. Savani and B. von Stengel (2006),
Hard-to-solve bimatrix games.
Econometrica 74(2), 397-429.
Errata (22 July 2009).
Talk slides.
R. Savani and B. von Stengel (2004),
many steps for finding a Nash equilibrium in a bimatrix game.
In: Proc. 45th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of
Computer Science (FOCS 2004), 258-267.
Talk slides.
R. Savani and B. von Stengel (2004),
Many Steps for Finding a Nash Equilibrium in a Bimatrix Game.
CDAM Research Report LSE-CDAM-2004-03.
B. von Stengel and S. Zamir (2004),
with Commitment to Mixed Strategies.
Research Report LSE-CDAM-2004-01.
Talk slides.
S. Govindan, A. von Schemde, and B. von Stengel (2003),
Symmetry and p-stability.
International Journal of Game Theory 32(3), 359-269.
Also available as
Research Report LSE-CDAM-2003-20.
F. Forges und B. von Stengel (2002),
efficient coordination in game trees.
CDAM Research Report LSE-CDAM-2002-02.
B. von Stengel (2002),
Computing equilibria for two-person games.
Chapter 45,
Handbook of Game Theory, Vol. 3, eds. R. J. Aumann and S. Hart,
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1723-1759.
Longer earlier version (with more details on equivalent
definitions of degeneracy, among other aspects):
B. von Stengel (1996),
Computing Equilibria for Two-Person Games.
Technical Report 253, Department of Computer Science, ETH Zürich.
R. Avenhaus, B. von Stengel, and S. Zamir (2002),
Inspection games.
Chapter 51,
Handbook of Game Theory, Vol. 3, eds.
R. J. Aumann and S. Hart, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1947-1987.
B. von Stengel, A. van den Elzen, and A. J. J. Talman (2002),
Computing normal form
perfect equilibria for extensive two-person games.
Econometrica 70(2), 693-715.
T. L. Turocy and B. von Stengel (2002),
Game theory.
Encyclopedia of Information Systems, Vol. 2,
Elsevier Science (USA), 403-420.
B. von Stengel (2001),
complexity of correlated equilibria for extensive games.
CDAM Research Report LSE-CDAM-2001-03.
- C. Ambühl, B. Gärtner, and B. von Stengel (2001),
A new lower bound for the list update
problem in the partial cost model.
Theoretical Computer Science 268(1), 3-16.
B. von Stengel (2000),
of game theorist John C. Harsanyi
in the Independent, 19 September 2000, Tuesday
Review, p. 6
C. Ambühl, B. Gärtner, and B. von Stengel (2000),
Optimal projective list update algorithms.
Proc. 27th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and
Programming (ICALP 2000),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1853, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 305-316.
- B. von Stengel (1999),
New maximal numbers of
equilibria in bimatrix games.
Discrete and Computational Geometry 21(4), 557-568.
Longer earlier version (including a specific 6x6 game with
75 equilibria on page 12):
B. von Stengel (1997),
New Lower Bounds for the
Number of Equilibria in Bimatrix Games.
Technical Report 264, Department of Computer Science, ETH Zürich.
Note: a 6x6 game with 75 equilibria and smaller numbers is
shown on page 25 of R. Savani and B. von Stengel (2004),
Many Steps for Finding a Nash Equilibrium in a Bimatrix Game,
CDAM Research Report LSE-CDAM-2004-03,
see above.
- B. von Stengel (1998),
Improved equilibrium
enumeration for bimatrix games.
Extended Abstract of talk at OR'98,
International Conference on Operations Research,
ETH Zurich, Aug 31-Sept 3, 1998 (unpublished).
- E. V. Dubrova,
J. C. Muzio,
and B. von Stengel (1997),
composition trees for multiple-valued functions.
Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Symposium on
Multiple Valued Logic, 19-26.
- B. von Stengel and D. Koller (1997),
Team-maxmin equilibria.
Games and Economic Behavior
21(1-2), 309-321.
- B. von Stengel and R. Werchner (1997),
Complexity of
searching an immobile hider in a graph.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 78(1-3), 235-249.
B. von Stengel, A. H. van den Elzen und A. J. J. Talman (1996),
Tracing Equilibria in Extensive Games by Complementary Pivoting.
Discussion paper No. 9686,
Center for Economic Research,
Tilburg University.
- B. von Stengel (1996),
computation of behavior strategies.
Games and Economic Behavior 14(2), 220-246.
- D. Koller, N. Megiddo, and B. von Stengel (1996),
computation of equilibria for extensive two-person games.
Games and Economic Behavior 14(2), 247-259.
R. Avenhaus, M. D. Canty, D. M. Kilgour, B. von Stengel,
and S. Zamir (1996),
Invited review: Inspection
games in arms control.
European Journal of Operational Research
90(3), 383-394.
S. Albers, B. von Stengel, and R. Werchner (1996),
List Update posets.
Manuscript, unpublished.
S. Albers, B. von Stengel, and R. Werchner (1995),
A combined BIT
and TIMESTAMP algorithm for the list update problem.
Information Processing Letters 56(3), 135-139.
M. Fränzle, B. von Stengel, and A. Wittmüss
A generalized notion of semantic independence.
Information Processing Letters 53(1), 5-9.
(MR 95i:68075)
- D. Koller, N. Megiddo, and B. von Stengel (1994),
Fast algorithms for finding
randomized strategies in game trees.
Proceedings of the 26th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,
J. Esparza and B. von Stengel (1994), The asynchronous committee
meeting problem. In: Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science,
ed. J. van Leeuwen, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 790,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 276-287.
(MR 95h:68073)
B. von Stengel (1993),
Closure properties of independence concepts
for continuous utilities. Mathematics of Operations
Research 18(2),
(MR 95b:90011)
R. Avenhaus, B. von Stengel and S. Zamir (1993),
A game-theoretic approach to multipolar stability.
In: International Stability in a Multipolar World: Issues and
Models for Analysis, eds. R. K. Huber and R. Avenhaus, Nomos
Verlagsges., Baden-Baden, 145-154.
B. von Stengel (1992), Optimal sampling in arms control verification.
In: Verification at Vienna: Monitoring Reductions
of Conventional Armed Forces, eds. J. Altmann et al.,
Gordon and Breach, Philadelphia, 83-93.
B. von Stengel (1992),
Decomposition of multiplace functions
in Operations Research. In: Operations
Research '92, eds. A. Karmann et al., Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 145-148.
B. von Stengel (1991),
Recursive inspection games.
Technical Report S-9106,
University of the Federal Armed Forces, Munich.
2014 version see above.
B. von Stengel (1991), Maîtrise des armements et vérification:
modélisation statistique et par les jeux
(Statistical and game theoretic models of arms control verification).
In: L'aide à la décision
dans la crise internationale, eds. M. Rudnianski, Dossier 44, Fondation
pour les études de défense nationale (FEDN), Paris, 243-254.
R. Avenhaus and B. von Stengel (1991), Non-zero-sum Dresher inspection
games. In: Operations Research '91, eds. P. Gritzmann et al.,
Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 376-379.
R. Avenhaus, M. J. Canty, and B. von Stengel (1991),
Sequential aspects of nuclear safeguards: Interim inspections of
direct use material. Proceedings of the 4th International
Conference on Facility Operations-Safeguards Interface,
American Nuclear Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 104-110.
R. Avenhaus and B. von Stengel (1991), Verification of attributes and
variables: Perfect equilibria and inspector leadership.
In: Defense Decision Making, eds. R. Avenhaus, H. Karkar and
M. Rudnianski, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 296-317.
(MR 92h:90163)
R. Avenhaus and B. von Stengel (1991), Current research in data
verification. In: Decision Support Systems and Qualitative Reasoning,
eds. M. G. Singh and L. Travé-Massuyès, Elsevier Science
Publ., Amsterdam, 111-118.
B. von Stengel (1991), An algebraic characterization of semantic
independence. Information Processing Letters
39(6), 291-296.
(MR 92k:68064)
B. von Stengel (1991),
Eine Dekompositionstheorie für mehrstellige
Funktionen mit Anwendungen in Systemtheorie and Operations Research).
(A Decomposition Theory for Multiplace Functions with
Applications in Systems Science and Operations Research.
Mathematical Systems in Economics, Vol. 123, Verlag Anton Hain,
Frankfurt. (Dissertation award by GMÖOR, the Gesellschaft für
Mathematik, Ökonomie and Operations Research, 1992.)
(MR 94d:90003)
B. von Stengel (1988),
Decomposition of multiattribute expected-utility
of Operations Research 16(1),
(MR 90i:90019)
B. von Stengel (1986),
Substitution decomposition of multilinear
functions with applications to utility and game theory.
Research Proceedings 1986, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
Heidelberg 1987, 517-527.
(MR 89e:90038)
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