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Date of award: December 2004.
Published as:
A. von Schemde (2005), Index and Stability in Bimatrix Games: A Geometric-Combinatorial Approach, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Vol. 560, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Finding Nash Equilibria of Bimatrix Games, PhD Thesis, London School of Economics, 2006.
Date of award: June 2006.
Geometry and Equilibria in Bimatrix Games, PhD Thesis, London School of Economics, 2009.
Date of award: December 2009.
Equilibrium Computation for Extensive Games, PhD Thesis, London School of Economics, 2011.
Date of award: January 2011.
Nash Equilibria, Gale Strings, and Perfect Matchings, PhD Thesis, London School of Economics, 2012.
Date of award: April 2012.
Least-Squares Regret and Partially Strategic Players, PhD Thesis, London School of Economics, 2015.
Date of award: November 2015.
Matchings and Covers of Multipartite Hypergraphs , PhD Thesis, London School of Economics, 2016.
Date of award: November 2016.